How To Outsource Bookkeeping for Small Business

May 4, 2024
Gurdeep Sangha
outsource bookkeeping for small business

Outsourcing bookkeeping for a small business has its advantages. Here are some things you should be aware of when considering to outsource bookkeeping for a small business.

Table of Contents

Understanding the benefits of outsourcing bookkeeping

Outsourcing your bookkeeping becomes essential in several key scenarios.

Firstly, as your business experiences growth, the volume and complexity of bookkeeping tasks often exceed the capabilities of your current setup, necessitating professional assistance to ensure accuracy and compliance.

Secondly, financial complexity is another trigger for outsourcing. When your business transactions become too complicated, involving various revenue streams, investments, or international dealings, it’s crucial to have expert bookkeepers who can navigate these complexities efficiently.

Lastly, the need for strategic financial insight is a significant reason to outsource. Professional virtual bookkeepers do more than just manage transactions; they provide valuable financial advice and insights that can inform strategic business decisions, helping you to optimize your operations and growth strategy.

Outsource your small business bookkeeping with confidence

Get your bookkeeping back on track with a professional virtual bookkeeper serving Canadian businesses just like yours!

Identifying when to outsource your bookkeeping for small business

Identifying when to outsource your bookkeeping is crucial for maintaining the financial health and strategic direction of your business.

Here are some key indicators that it might be time to consider outsourcing small business bookkeeping.

Business growth

As your business expands, the volume and complexity of financial transactions often increase. When the demands of bookkeeping begin to exceed the capabilities of your current setup including taking too much of your time or that of your in-house team, then it’s a clear sign to consider outsourcing.

This allows you to focus on core business activities while ensuring your financial records are meticulously managed.

Financial complexity

Businesses sometimes engage in transactions that require a higher level of financial expertise, such as international trade, complex tax situations, or managing large-scale investments. Navigating these complicated financial waters can be challenging without the right expertise.

Outsourcing to professionals who are well-versed in handling complex accounting tasks can mitigate risks and ensure compliance with relevant laws and regulations.

Need for strategic financial insight

Beyond basic bookkeeping, growing businesses often require strategic financial insight to make informed decisions. An outsourced bookkeeping service can provide not just transactional record-keeping but also valuable financial analysis and advice.

This can include cash flow forecasting, budgeting, and financial planning, which are essential for steering the business towards its goals.

Outsourcing your bookkeeping can be a strategic move that brings expertise to your financial management, ensures compliance, and offers strategic insights that are crucial for making informed business decisions.

It allows business owners to concentrate on growth and development, knowing that their financial operations are in expert hands.

How to choose the right virtual bookkeeping service?

Choosing the right bookkeeping service involves several considerations. Look for a service with a proven track record in your industry, as they will be familiar with the specific challenges and requirements you face.

Ensure they use modern, secure bookkeeping software that integrates with your existing systems to streamline processes. Assess their communication skills and availability; you want a service that is responsive and can provide timely financial insights when you need them.

Finally, consider their scalability – can they grow with your business, and do they offer the additional accounting solutions you might need in the future? Making the right choice will not only alleviate the burden of bookkeeping but also provide strategic advantages to your business.

How does it work to outsource bookkeeping for small business?

Outsourcing bookkeeping for a small business involves hiring an external firm or professional to manage your financial records and transactions.

A virtual bookkeeper handles tasks such as recording daily transactions, managing accounts payable and receivable, reconciling bank statements, and preparing financial statements.

This arrangement allows business owners to focus on core business activities while ensuring accurate and up-to-date financial records, often providing access to advanced bookkeeping software and expertise without the need for in-house resources.

By outsourcing bookkeeping for small business, entrepreneurs stay ahead in business because of the following: 

Gain Clear Financial Insights: Make informed decisions with a comprehensive view of your finances.

Foster Growth: Use accurate financial data to identify opportunities and drive your business forward.

How Sansar Solutions can help to outsource bookkeeping for small business

Sansar Solutions offers comprehensive bookkeeping services tailored for small businesses, providing expert support to manage your financial records accurately and efficiently.

By outsourcing your bookkeeping to Sansar Solutions, you can focus on growing your business while ensuring your finances are in professional hands, leading to better financial clarity and compliance.

Solutions to outsource small business bookkeeping

Outsourcing small business bookkeeping can be a strategic move, offering various solutions tailored to different needs.

Each solution has its advantages, whether it’s the personalized touch of traditional services, the convenience and innovation of relying on virtual bookkeeping services, or the control and integration offered by in-house bookkeeping. The best choice depends on your business’s specific needs, budget, and growth plans.

Here’s a comparison to help you choose the right path:

Traditional bookkeeping

  • Personalized Service: Direct interaction with a bookkeeper who can provide customized advice and services.
  • Expertise: Access to experienced professionals with a deep understanding of accounting principles and tax laws.
  • Cost: Potentially higher costs due to the depth of service and expertise offered.

Online virtual bookkeeping

  • Convenience: Services are accessible remotely, offering flexibility and efficiency.
  • Technology-driven: Utilizes the latest accounting software and tools for accurate and up-to-date financial records.
  • Scalability: Easily scales with your business growth, with plans that can adjust to your changing needs.

In-house bookkeeping

  • Control: Complete control over the bookkeeping process and sensitive financial data.
  • Integration: Seamless integration with internal processes and immediate access to financial information.
  • Overhead Costs: Involves additional costs such as salaries, benefits, and training for in-house staff.

Preparing to outsource your small business bookkeeping

Organize financial documents

Before outsourcing your bookkeeping, gather and organize all necessary financial documents. This includes bank statements, invoices, receipts, payroll records, and previous tax returns. Providing a complete set of documents ensures your bookkeeper has all the information needed to accurately manage your accounts.

Set Clear Objectives and Expectations

Define the scope of work and the outcomes you expect from outsourcing your bookkeeping. Whether it’s improving financial reporting, ensuring compliance, or managing cash flow, clear objectives help align your expectations with your bookkeeper’s services.

Establish a Workflow

Determine how and when financial data will be exchanged and processed. This involves setting up secure methods for sharing sensitive information, agreeing on communication channels, and scheduling regular updates. A well-defined workflow ensures smooth operations and timely financial management.

Managing the outsourced bookkeeping relationship with a virtual bookkeeper

Managing the outsourced bookkeeping relationship effectively is crucial for maintaining financial clarity and security.

Regular Check-ins and Updates: Establish a routine for reviewing financial reports and performance metrics with your bookkeeping service provider. This ensures that both parties are aligned and can address any discrepancies or areas of concern promptly.

Adjusting Services as Needed: Stay flexible and communicate openly with your provider about changing business needs. Whether it’s scaling services up during growth phases or scaling down to reduce costs, a good provider will accommodate your evolving requirements.

Ensuring Data Security and Confidentiality: Verify the security protocols your bookkeeping service implements to safeguard your financial data. Understanding their measures for data protection and confidentiality reassures the integrity and privacy of your business information.

Together, these practices foster a productive and effective relationship with a virtual bookkeeper that supports your business’s financial health.

Common questions when considering to outsource bookkeeping for small business

An outsourced bookkeeper manages a company’s financial records, including transactions, expenses, and revenues, from an external position. They handle tasks such as reconciling bank statements, preparing financial statements, managing accounts payable and receivable, and ensuring accurate and up-to-date financial reporting, all without being an in-house employee.

Outsourcing your bookkeeping can be a wise decision if it allows you to focus more on core business activities while ensuring accurate and professional management of your financial records. It’s particularly beneficial for small businesses without the resources to maintain an in-house accounting department, offering expertise and efficiency in handling financial tasks.

Yes, small businesses need bookkeeping to maintain accurate financial records, ensure legal compliance, manage cash flow effectively, and make informed business decisions. It’s essential for tracking expenses, revenues, and profitability, and it lays the foundation for successful financial planning and analysis.


Yes, paying a bookkeeper is often worth the investment for businesses. A professional bookkeeper can save you time and ensure accuracy in your financial records, helping to avoid costly mistakes, improve financial management, and allow you to focus on growing your business.

Hiring a remote bookkeeper offers flexibility and cost savings, allowing you to access professional bookkeeping services without the need for additional office space or equipment. It also enables you to tap into a wider talent pool, ensuring your financial records are accurately maintained and up-to-date, which is crucial for informed business decision-making.


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